Target the Right Clients

Marketing Strategy

Focus on the Right Clients & Build Your Profile

Are you bidding for tenders you like the look of, but without much success? Despite the considerable efforts made to make public procurement fair, “blind bids”, where the bidder is not previously known to the buyer, fail more often than they succeed.

We help our clients to focus their marketing efforts on the most relevant areas of the public sector for them, allowing them to engage before the tender process begins.

Our Approach

Understand the Client

Naturally our first step is to prepare by building a complete understanding of your offering and company, including both the practicalities of how the service is delivered as well as how the public sector can contract for it.

Understand the Market

We use our insider knowledge of central government and the wider public sector to consider where your offering would work best. As well as simply considering where your service could be applied, we also consider softer factors including innovation appetite and cultural fit.

Set the Direction

We then combine your offering with our knowledge of the marketplace to propose a marketing strategy. This sets out which areas of the public sector you should focus on and why, in the immediate and longer terms. We base this on where you are most likely to succeed in the short term and then how you can use this success to build a reference base which is essential in the public sector.

See John Fernau’s views on how SMEs are seen in government