I am a huge fan of the GCloud concept, it is by far the most innovative thing to have happened to public procurement in my working life (20 years or so). Most importantly for me it gives end users quicker access to the services they need, and it gives suppliers easy access to public sector markets. This is particularly important for new entrants and SMEs who struggle to cross the barriers to entry of other public procurement methods.
It is not all roses though. The nature of the GCloud framework means that whilst it is easy to get onto, there will be a large number of suppliers on it. In a more traditional framework of 5 suppliers for example, you will have a 1 in 5 chance of winning a contract under the framework, with all things being equal. However on GCloud 9 there are 2,847 suppliers, and only 461 have won work, worth £118m in total.
I am not trying to put people off with this gloomy message, but I am urging bidders to draft their listing information and service details with a view to then selling their services, and all that this entails. Use the published GCloud sales data to identify who buys the services you offer, and make sure your offerings are suitable and relevant to these buyers. Also use the GCloud sales data to identify who you need to reach with your marketing. You must get buyers’ attention if you are going to stand out and be one of the 16% who gets work from the GCloud.
Read more on how we can help here.